
Buy Me A Coffee

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2019

What is PTI Analyzer?

PTI has been working in the development of tools which have the objective to create positive social impact and awareness on society taking adtange of the benefits included in combining Psychology and Technology.

PTI Analyzer nuget package is a small subset of a  system which has the objective to aid in the prevention of suicide.

Long before people execute the act, they tend to give signs, which are not always easy to detect, especially if there is no knowledge about the subject.

PTI Analyzer nuget package current implementation and the Windows Client Tool allows a user to feed the system with facebook exported data, or excel files with text from a specific person, and once analyzed returns an excel file indictaging the sentiment over time, and personality attributes charts, which can be used as insights to identify if there are signs of depression or suicidal tendencies.

Here you will find a preview for the Document Analyzer Feature in PTI Portal

You can see some examples of the Windows Tool and Nuget pacakge in the videos below

We are currently working in the support for more features including
  • Analysis of Photos along with mood changes over time.
  • Alerts on places, days, and months which tend to reduce positive emotions.
  • Predictions on possible dates where a person could have positive emotions reduced.

We are also working on the Web Portal Version including the previous mentioned features.

If you would like to keep learning more about the tool and the company in general, feel free to subscribe to our newsletter.


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